Reviews & Comments



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"I've been a client for over 2 years. I love the convenience of in-home service, and flexible hours. Frank offers friendly, yet professional service. I receive massages regularly, and would recomend Frank to my friends."       KP from N.H.  Dec 2013 

"This class was very informatiove. I learned things I thought I knew with clarification.  The class was relaxed and fun" May 2014

"Great class!"             May 2014

"This is my first ethics training since massage licensure was manifest in Pa.  So much more viable information that I can put to use was dissemenated by this instructor.  Well worth the trip"    May 2014

"Awesome class. Informative and interactive. Worth the time."   May 2014

"I have been in private practice for 23 years, and had never been exposed to the newly established rules & reugulations.  Info was invaluable and well-presented."         May 2014

"Very informative class! Instructor was great and knowledgeable!"    August 2014

"This course gave me a complete understanding of all the rules & regulations, even after I already read them on the PA website."

September 2014

"Frank is very informative and makes the class interesting".

September 2014

"Points and message illustrated very well verbally.  I liked the examples and comparisons that were given to make policies understandable and meaningful."

November 2014

"This class answered and/or clarified all massage rules & regulations.  It was extremely informative."

November 2014

"Thank you so much for the information, e-mail links, and your prompt information.  Your attention and concern for your "students" is greatly appreciated!" DGD,LMT  November 2014

"This class takes the plain definition of Ethics into an easy to understand way.  Very informative, and examples used are "Real Life", so they really hit home, and make you think. 

December 2014

"Examples you give are fantastic! Keep doing that!  See you again.                                                  December 2014

"Having both LMT and PT licenses, these classes have been very beneficial"        November 2015

"Very informative class.  Brought out a lot of discussion"        November 2015

"Very informative, and well worth the money and time"          November 2015

"...Provides a practical venue for the class.  Good chances/opportunities for discussion and questions"  November 2015

"...Class was very informative.  Frank made the learning experience fun."   September 2017

"...Frank presents material in a clear, enjoyable way.  Great review of ethics for everyone."  September 2017

"...Great value for the CEUs!"   September 2017

"...Appreciated specific examples of situations where a terapist might find themselves in an unethical situation."  September 2017

"...I learned so much today! Thank you Frank, for providing such a great class.  I look forward to taking your classes again in the future."   September 2017

"   A good review of information that you forget when you only read/see it every 2 years."   September 2017

"...Very informative.  Information all Massage Therapists should know."  September 2017

"...Class is always informative, and Frank's knowledge of updates is great."   September 2017

"...Covered all material thoroughly and completely."  November 2017

"  Frank is a good instructor.  Would recommend others take his class".  November 2017

" Frank is a very knowledgeable therapist and instructor. I highly recommend his CEU classes! They are affordable, informative, and detail oriented."  September 2018

" Frank is very informal.   Very good."  September 2018

" Good Job. Continue with class discussions."  September 2018

"Frank offers much insight into current massage therapy issues and topics. class is practical and informative"  Semptember 2019

"Practical, valuable & informative! Very good up to date information on human trafficking, state board updates, etc."  September 2019





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